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Patrician 3: Rise of the Hanse [PL]
Games > PC
482.39 MB

Patrician Patrician 3 Patrician III Strategy games
+0 / -1 (-1)

Jan 28, 2010

Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse

The best selling olde-worlde real-time city-building simulation is back. Build cities, manage economies and 
battle pirates in the Middle Ages. Grow your small towne into a major trading center wielding tremendous economic power.
All you really need to know about Ascaron's latest installment in its flagship franchise is 
that Patrician III was released in the company's home of Germany as an add-on, not a new product. There are a few new weather effects, 
minor changes in the interface, a map editor, and some gameplay tweaks, including differently priced goods and a bit 
more control over your city when you become the mayor.

You start the game in one of the cities of the Hanseatic League (a loose trade federation of free cities in Northern Europe) 
with a ship or two and a few thousand coins. Through wise investments and trading, you can establish a mercantile empire and 
rise in rank, as well as eventually become the lord of your home city.

There's an almost Zen-like quality to the trading. Though prices will vary according to supply and demand, you 
will probably be trading the same goods in the same cities over and over. This repetitive mindlessness will lull you into a near meditative state.

Things get more interesting after you accumulate a war chest. With capital, you can build businesses, 
become a pirate, and eventually rise to power as a politician and the executive of your city. There are many goals 
to pursue and even more ways to go about pursuing them. This freedom is the game's greatest strength—assuming you like 
open-ended games. If you want narrative, though, Patrician III won't do much for you. The missions are generic, and the 
few included scenarios simply change your victory conditions.

For those who have recently discovered a fetish for medieval cogs 
and selling barrels of pickled herring, there is no game better than 
Patrician III. But if you've played its predecessors, there's no pressing reason to run out and buy this game at full price.

1) Mount the ISO file
2) Install
3) Play :)


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